
Round Tip Roast

Yesterday was my first day back in the kitchen since Jeremiah has been born. I had bought the Round Tip Roast because it was on sale the day before thinking that perhaps it was a tougher cut of meat and I would just throw it in the Crock-Pot..that should be easy enough.

Before when I have tried to make things, I have had one of my wonderful family members in the kitchen with me or at least near by to tend to the little one if he starts to fuss or is awake. And the times when I was alone and trying to do something as simple as a frozen pizza...something always happened where I couldn't actually do what I set out to do or the results were a little less than desirable. Hence the pot roast...or so I thought.

During one of this naps, I took the meat out of the fridge to get to room temp and then did a quick search online just to double check my ideas...except that I couldn't find anything for a Round Tip Roast. I continued to change my search terms, added and took away quotations, rearranged words and finally came across "The New Wife of an Elegant Eater" Apparently she had run into the same problems as I had and was unable to find a recipe for Round Tip Roast so what did she do? She called her mother-in-law of course.

The recipe she gave seemed simple enough...apparently I hadn't bought a pot roast after all. Knowing that Jeremiah's mood/needs can be inconsistent, I prepped the roast rather than doing it right before it went into the oven and set it on a cooling rack above a cutting board and covered loosely with saran wrap.

Once I figured it was time to put the roast in so that it would be ready when Brad got here, I took it out of the fridge and seared it in the dutch oven on the stove. I just love the crust searing normally gives and my dad always taught me how it "locks in the flavor/juices" so of course I was going to do it this time. I then stuck our thermometer in the meat and stuck it in the oven.

When it reached the temp I was looking for, I took it out, transferred it to a cutting board and tented it with foil to let it rest. It looked tasty and I was excited. But I have to admit, once I cut into it, I realized that I may have left it in the oven a little too long as it was a bit more on the "well done" scale than I had wanted (though as I was finishing carving it to put away the left overs, I found some pinker slicers.) Despite the lack of pink in the slices we did have, we both enjoyed it and it was pretty good. Makes me want to buy the Round Tip Roast more often.

Round Tip Roast
adapted from The New Wife of an Elegant Eater

1-3.5 to 4 lb. round tip roast
Olive Oil
2 tsp Kosher Salt
1 1/2 tsp Pepper
3 cloves chopped Garlic
  1. Mix Salt, Pepper, and garlic together and rub the mixture all around the roast. 
  2. Cover the roast and put it in the refrigerator. Heat the oven to 325. Leave the roast in the fridge until the oven is ready.
  3. Sear roast in a dutch oven with olive oil. 2-3 mins per side (meat should release itself and should obtain a nice crust)
  4. Transfer dutch oven, uncovered to the pre-heated oven. Cook for 15-20 minutes per lb. until you have reached your desired temperature (Think Medium Rare-Medium)
  5. Take out the roast and allow to rest on a cutting board for 15 mins, tenting with foil (Remember, as it rests, the roast will continue to cook)