
Fried, Sweet Plantains

Yes, I have finally figured it out. After years of frying plantains in oil, wondering why they never come out as nice and sweet as in the restaurant, I have now seen the light! And the answer to this age old mystery is....Butter!
You see, an old friend of mine names Heidi first showed me how to fry plantains and they were quick tasty and since then, that was the only way I did it. However, the more I ordered plantains out and the more I attempted to recreate at home the more I realized the way I fried plantains wasn't the "correct" way at all to get sweet plantains. Granted, frying in oil is still completely legit as there are numerous ways to fry plantains but if you want that golden, soft, sweetness then butter is the key.

Ready for one of the easiest recipes on earth?

Fried Sweet Plantains

  • Take your very ripe plantain (remember, this is a plantain we are talking about so the darker the better/sweeter) and peel it.

  • I usually take a paring knife and slice the skin from top to bottom to peel it off as plantain skin is thicker than bananas.

  • Cut as desired. I like spears but discs are fine as well

  • Melt 1-2 Tbsp butter in pan. Place plantains in pan and fry. After about a minute, turn plantains, revealing a golden "skin". Continue to fry evenly, adding a sprinkling of brown sugar to the plantains/pan in its final moments, allowing the sugar to caramelize.

  •  Allow to cool slightly. Serve warm and enjoy!


Anonymous said...


Ambre said...

you make me hungry, Jessica!!